Shibased, a society of wild dogs on a mission launching on the Based network. Join the community for more information on how to get a whitelist slot and join the cross-chain adventure.

2000 available
0.00 Whitelist
0.005 Public


Each NFT is algorithmically generated by combining unique traits with varying rarity across categories.


Total Dogs
Less Common
Super Rare


Hats & Hair
Mouthes & Things
Clothing Bottom
Clothing Top

Shibased Roadmap: The Adventure Continues

The Lore of Shibased:


Once upon a time, nestled within the digital expanse, there existed a mystical realm known as Baseland. In Baseland, where lines of code danced like intricate weaves of magic, there lay a place of wonder called the Blockwoods. This enchanted forest was unlike any other, for within its depths, the very essence of cryptocurrency flowed like a river of shimmering data.

When the night surrendered to the gentle embrace of dawn, and the suns rose in unison, the Blockwoods came alive with the pitter-patter of tiny paws. These were the Shiba pups, guardians of the blockchain, their fur as soft as the whispers of a digital breeze. Some pups were as vast as the sprawling forests they roamed, their hearts as pure as the untouched code of the blockchain. Yet, among them lurked those of a darker hue, their intentions as shadowed as the depths of the digital abyss.

In the heart of Blockwoods stood Shibased, a sanctuary where the Shiba pups found solace and companionship. Guarded by the vigilant gaze of the wise CryptoWolves, Shibased served as a refuge for both the virtuous and the lost souls of Baseland. Here, beneath the canopy of binary stars, bonds were forged, and tales spun like threads in the fabric of time.

But as the tides of digital destiny ebbed and flowed, so too did the shadows that lingered on the edges of Baseland. Dark forces sought to corrupt the very essence of the blockchain, threatening to unravel the delicate balance that held the realm together. In these dire times, the community of Shibased rallied together, their unity a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

As the years passed, the legend of Shibased grew, its story woven into the very fabric of Baseland's history. And now, in the present day and beyond, Shibased stands not just as a sanctuary for Shiba pups, but as a symbol of resilience and unity in the face of adversity.

And so, dear traveler, if you seek to become part of this storied community, venture forth and collect your version of this tale via an NFT. For in doing so, you will not only join the ranks of the brave souls who call Shibased home but become a guardian of the blockchain's legacy for generations to come.

1. Early bird catches the Worm:

Early-birds will be treated to a whitelist NFT, By being a holder you will become part of the Shibased community.

2. NFT Cross-chain access:

As part of our commitment to innovation and inclusivity, Shibased aims to encourage cross-chain access, for community holders ensuring members can take part in any cross-chain adventures the dogs may have.


Shibased token holders will support the Shibased ecosystem and the adventures that await.

*always double check the source of information on the blockchain and take care when required, See below for more information.

Join the pack:

By joining the pack, you can meet other wild dogs, helping shape the future of Shibased and beyond. Let's create this adventure together!

Follow on Twitter or join the Telegram group to stay up to date.

What is Shibased?

Shibased presents a new way to interact with NFTs in its latest  collection, where the adventurous wild dogs, thought to be lost, have made their return. The collection of 2,000 NFTs, launching on the Base network, with an array of unique and exciting traits, the pack will be introducing cross-chain dynamics allowing holders to participate in a layer 2 adventure. The wild Shibas are not just back; they're here to make a statement.

What do I get?

For the community, Shibased is offering a special perk: a whitelist NFT mint for those that arrive early, ensuring that those who have been part of the journey get to continue without barriers. Additionally, holding a piece from this collection means being part of any Shibased adventures that await, a nod to the evolving and expansive nature of the Shibased universe. Shibased is not just dropping another NFT collection; it's unveiling a saga of resilience, adventure, and untold stories. This is a journey of discovery, community, and exclusivity in the ever-evolving blockchain space.

How do I get my stuff?

The images & metadata will be released after Shibased NFTs are launched. Once the metadata is updated, your Shibased NFT will appear on OpenSea. If you obtain a free whitelist spot with the native token allow 24 hours for the whitelist to update.

What’s  an NFT?

NFT, short for "Non-fungible token," represents a distinct digital asset whose ownership is recorded on a blockchain, enabling people to purchase, possess, and exchange it. Essentially, an NFT can serve as digital artwork. Beyond that, it may grant special perks such as early entry to sites, admission to events, in-game avatars, or proof of ownership for tangible items. At Shibased picture it as a one-of-a-kind art piece that can double as an access pass. This is the concept behind Shibased.

How do I NFT?

To get started with a Shibased NFT, ensure your Metamask or coinbase wallet is connected to the Base network. Then, launch our DAPP and follow the on-screen prompts for easy guidance. Alternatively, you can engage with Basescan. It's critical to carefully verify the contract details for accuracy.If use the the Coinbase wallet or Metamask browser to use the DAPP.

Disclaimer: Shibased is crafted for enjoyment and educational exploration into the fascinating world of emerging technologies, rather than as an asset for trading or speculation. Tokens and NFTs within the Shibased ecosystem are intended and should be treated as having no intrinsic value and should not be acquired with expectations of profit. While participating in the blockchain, please be aware of the inherent risks, including the possibility of incurring losses. The team reserves the right to make decisions about the project's direction and make no guarantees about its future. A key principle of blockchain is that control over any NFT in your wallet is yours, emphasizing the need for responsible engagement with this dynamic technological landscape.